Sønderjysk Kaffebord

Maybe you've heard of it, maybe you haven't - but a Sønderjysk Kaffebord is a dream come true for anyone who likes a stacked cake buffet. And I'm serious about stacked - in order for an event to be considered a proper kaffebord you…

Courgettes au Citron

The courgettes keep coming this year, and I keep experimenting with new ways to try and do something interesting with them. This recipe is also from a French magazine, but this time we're conserving the courgettes with spices and olive oil. I figure that if all else fails…


flohmarkt is the German name for flea market - and also the name of a cool project which allows you to self-host a small virtual flea market. I host an instance of this software which can be found on www.brugt-bazar.dk - it currently looks like this: Now, the…

Courgettes à la Menthe

When we went to France this summer, I was happy to discover that my French is now at a level where I feel I can understand and use French cookbooks to a reasonable degree. Obviously that meant I had to buy several French cook books, including one on conserving and…

There's a backlog

In my search for a good platform, I've had other blogs and websites. Some of the stuff I wrote on those websites was good and I want to keep it. But is it more important to work on the design or on the backlog? How I post stuff…

Nikon Nikkor D-series lenses

I've been getting into #photography a bit again, mainly because I've finally been able to afford a decent secondhand full frame camera (Nikon D750). So I've been selling and buying lenses a bit, to move my DX-format lenses and get some which work on…

hello world

Yes yes, I know - hello world is such a cliché. So what is this? Well, this is my latest attempt to find some sort of self-hosted software for hosting a personal digital garden of sorts. You know, a place to write stuff - for yourself and others. The idea…