How to make home-made cider

It is super-easy to make cider - like seriously. At the most basic level, all you have to do is press some fresh apple juice and then leave it to ferment. Once it stops bubbling you have cider. This is a hobby which is only as hard as you want…

Sønderjysk Kaffebord

Maybe you've heard of it, maybe you haven't - but a Sønderjysk Kaffebord is a dream come true for anyone who likes a stacked cake buffet. And I'm serious about stacked - in order for an event to be considered a proper kaffebord you…

Courgettes au Citron

The courgettes keep coming this year, and I keep experimenting with new ways to try and do something interesting with them. This recipe is also from a French magazine, but this time we're conserving the courgettes with spices and olive oil. I figure that if all else fails…


flohmarkt is the German name for flea market - and also the name of a cool project which allows you to self-host a small virtual flea market. I host an instance of this software which can be found on - it currently looks like this: Now, the…

Courgettes à la Menthe

When we went to France this summer, I was happy to discover that my French is now at a level where I feel I can understand and use French cookbooks to a reasonable degree. Obviously that meant I had to buy several French cook books, including one on conserving and…

There's a backlog

In my search for a good platform, I've had other blogs and websites. Some of the stuff I wrote on those websites was good and I want to keep it. But is it more important to work on the design or on the backlog? How I post stuff…

Nikon Nikkor D-series lenses

I've been getting into #photography a bit again, mainly because I've finally been able to afford a decent secondhand full frame camera (Nikon D750). So I've been selling and buying lenses a bit, to move my DX-format lenses and get some which work on…